Friday, June 26, 2009

Feeling a little selfconscience?

Now that its swimsuit season a lot of us are shying away from that bikini. I'm guilty as well. I was reading Glamour mag and there was an article on being comfortable in your own skin and they are so right!

1. Because you probably look better than you think...

One classic study found that while women were impressively adept at estimating the size of a box, they overestimated the size of their hips by 16 percent and their waist by 28 percent.

2. Because Dorothy Dale Kloss, 85, is Guinness world records oldest performing showgirl...

If people are still lining up to see her in a barley there costume, what doe you have to worry about?

3. because hips are in...

thanks to Sara Ramirez, beyonce, whomever, but 50% of women are satisfied with their hips now- that's up 11% from 25 years ago.

4. Because most of us don't wear a size 2. So what?...

the average woman wears a size 14 suit- not that teeny dental floss number you might find on the cover of sports illustrated.

5. Because swimsuits have never been more comfortable...

spandex is the modern miracle. your great grandmothers swimsuit was made of wool. Wool!

6. Because we can!...

In many countries showing your off your body is show off that body with pride!

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